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Support Us

Get Involved

With your support we are able to provide life skills, education, and provide exposure that gives each youth the reality of options beyond their own expectations.

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways your donation makes a difference:

Life Skills & Leadership curriculum  •  Cover cost of tutoring & standardized testing materials  •  Scholarships for workshops, camps, and classes geared towards youth’s career goals  •  Scholarships for extracurricular activities & fees  •  Scholarships for high school graduates  •  Fund educational/cultural trips and social activities  •  GED Testing  •  Background checks & training classes for mentors  •  Classes for fathers & single moms  •  Recruit volunteers, speakers, and mentors  •  Assist families in financial crisis and community outreach efforts  •  Welcome to Fatherhood Packet

Through Mail

P. O. Box 17161

Huntsville, AL 35810


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 256-316-1991

Payroll Deductions

CFC #: 33039

EIN #: 27-2559119 

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